Personal and Professional Development  
Bryan Bancroft  
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The goal of this site is to provide anyone interested in the rapidly growing world of tech
a small window into my own personal experimentation with the bits of tech I find particularly
interesting. My hope is to scratch the tech itch of the intellectually adventurous by
demonstrating just how easy it is to begin learning by simply applying that curiosity.
In the era of the internet, tech envelopes us on a daily basis so much so that it can
sometimes be easy to take for granted. That being said, the world of tech needs people
to actualize their ambitions and transcend the confines of mere consumerism in order to
unlock the true potential lurking in the depths of the young industry.
Have you ever been using a piece of software and thought to yourself "I really wish this
could do _______"? Good news, you're not alone! Even better news, there's something you
can do to fix that problem! The foundations of computer science may seem intimidating,
but really learning their applications only requires a little ingenuity and a lot of patience.
You will be amazed at what a few hours of Google searches can actually teach you. Once you
gain a solid foundation, the sky's the limit. As a member of society, I hope that anyone who
has an idea or a vision pursues their goals, particularly in tech where the benefits are
virtually endless.
It's safe to say tech isn't going anywhere. On the contrary, it will likely change
the face of modern society as we know it over the next few decades.
Machine learning
and 3D printing
are two of the newest additions to the field and are already making strong cases for their importance
across all industries. If those links don't get you at least a little excited about tech, I don'tabindex
know what will. We're living in a pivotal moment in history that hinges on these kinds of ideas.
You don't have to change the world yourself, but there's no reason not to make a contribution.
Hopefully this site will give you the confidence you need to start tinkering on your own. Who knows,
maybe you'll end up making a bigger splash than you ever thought you could.
To check out what I've been working on, click the Post Library tab in the menu. Or if you want to
learn a little more about me or have any questions or comments, click the About or Contact tab.
Tech is always growing and changing, and to be a part of it is to be a student for life, so believe
me when I say I view any and all input you may have as an opportunity to learn and grow in what I think
is the most exciting industry in the world.